
Extended test tools for CakePHP

View the Project on GitHub anklimsk/cakephp-extended-test

Using this plugin

Baking test case use cake console

  1. Copy files:
    • from app/Plugin/CakeExtendTest/Test/AppCakeTestCase.php to app/Test
    • from app/Plugin/CakeExtendTest/Test/AppControllerTestCase.php to app/Test
    • from app/Plugin/CakeExtendTest/Test/AllTestsTest.php to app/Test/Case
  2. If necessary, edit the AppCake TestCase.php and AppController TestCase.php files.
  3. For baking test case use cake console command cake CakeExtendTest.bake. Analog of command cake bake test.

Testing a non-public method or property

  1. Create a new object for testing:

    $proxy = $this->createProxyObject($target);


    • $target - target object;
    • $proxy - new object for testing.

Testing the View with a CSS Selector

  1. Create View test on controller test:

    $opt = [
        'method' => 'GET',
        'return' => 'contents',
    $url = 'some_controller/some_action/some_param';
    $view = $this->testAction($url, $opt);
    $numTableRows = $this->getNumberItemsByCssSelector($view, 'div#content div.container table > tbody > tr');
    $expected = 2;
    $this->assertData($expected, $numTableRows);

Applying testing configuration of application from file

  1. Copy configuration file from app/Plugin/CakeExtendTest/Test/TestConfig.php to app/Test.
  2. Edit config file and configure application for testing, e.g.:

    $config['TestKey'] = ['SomeKey' => 'Some data...'];

Applying testing information of logged-on user from array

  1. Copy file from app/Plugin/CakeExtendTest/Test/AppTestTrait.php to app/Test.
  2. Edit file AppTestTrait.php. e.g.:

     * Information about the logged in user.
     * @var array
    protected $userInfo = [
        'user' => 'Хвощинский В.В.',
        'role' => USER_ROLE_USER,
        'prefix' => '',
        'id' => '7',
        'includedFields' => [
            CAKE_LDAP_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_OBJECT_GUID => '8c149661-7215-47de-b40e-35320a1ea508'
  3. Add call setDefaultUserInfo() in method setUp() of test:

     * setUp method
     * @return void
    public function setUp() {
  4. For change user role on fly:

    $userInfo = [
        'role' => USER_ROLE_USER | USER_ROLE_ADMIN,
        'prefix' => 'admin',
  5. Replace in files AppCakeTestCase.php and AppControllerTestCase.php: App::uses('AppTestTrait', 'CakeExtendTest.Test'); to App::uses('AppTestTrait', 'Test');

Testing Flash messages

  1. In controller test method add:

    $this->testAction('/some_controller/some_action', $opt);
    $this->checkFlashMessage('Action completed successfully');

Testing method with arguments assertions and messages from array

  1. In test method add:
   $params = [
           null, // $id
       ], // Params for step 1
           100, // $id
       ], // Params for step 2
           2, // $id
       ], // Params for step 3
   $expected = [
       false, // Result of step 1
       [], // Result of step 2
           'some data'
       ], // Result of step 3
   $this->runClassMethodGroup('methodName', $params, $expected);