
Synchronizing information with LDAP and authenticating users by membership in the LDAP security group

View the Project on GitHub anklimsk/cakephp-ldap-sync

Customization this plugin

Customization binded information for models Employee and Department

  1. Copy models files from app/Plugin/CakeLdap/Model/Employee.php.default to app/Model/Employee.php or app/Plugin/CakeLdap/Model/Department.php.default to app/Model/Department.php
  2. Edit that files

Customization displaying information of employees

Using helper EmployeeInfo

  1. Copy helper file from app/Plugin/CakeLdap/View/Helper/EmployeeInfoHelper.php.default to app/View/Helper/EmployeeInfoHelper.php or
  2. Edit that files
  3. If you set the type of data as element:
    • In the method Employee::getExtendFieldsConfig set the type as element for the SomeModel.field field, e.g.:

        * Return fields configuration for helper
        * @return array Return array of information about extended
        *  fields in format:
        *   [
        *      'modelName' => [
        *          'type' => 'string',
        *          'truncate' => false,
        *      ]
        *  ],
        *  where:
        *   - modelName - is name of model, or Hash::path.
        *   - type - type of data. Can be one of:
        *   integer, biginteger, float, date, time, datetime,
        *   timestamp, boolean, guid, photo, mail, string, text,
        *   binary, employee, manager, subordinate, department or
        *   element.
        *   - truncate - truncate text.
       public function getExtendFieldsConfig() {
           $result = parent::getExtendFieldsConfig();
           $resultExtend = [
               'SomeModel' => [
                   'type' => 'element',
                   'truncate' => true,
           $result += $resultExtend;
           return $result;
    • Copy View element file from app/Plugin/CakeLdap/View/Elements/infoEmployeeExtendTemplate.ctp.default to app/View/Elements/infoEmployeeSomeModel.ctp
    • Edit that file

Other customization