Internal LDAP-based phonebook


Internal phone book based on content of Active Directory

View the Project on GitHub anklimsk/internal-ldap-based-phonebook

Customization phonebook

Change settings of LDAP fields

Change the logo of the organization on the title page PDF

Place your logo file in app/webroot/img/project-logo.png - size: 200x200 px, or remove this file.

Change the order of departments in the exported files

Filter employees to sync with phonebook

Employees are filtered for synchronization with the phonebook according to the LDAP attribute value of the company, specified in the application settings. You can edit the value of this field through the phonebook until the company name is specified in the application settings.

Changing the synchronization frequency with LDAP and updating exported files.

Configure scripts to run schedule, run the command sudo crontab -u www-data -e where www-data - user name for web server. Example of cron jobs:

   # In this example, run the synchronizing script will be made every day on 7:10 AM
   10 7 * * * cd /var/www/paht_to_app/app && Console/cake CakeLdap.cron sync -q
   # In this example, at 7:00 on Monday, the script for the PDF and Excel
   # files builder will be launched.
   0 7 * * mon cd /var/www/paht_to_app/app/ && Console/cake generate all all -q
   # In this example, every 15 minutes, the script to check for new deferred saves
   # will be launched.
   */15 * * * * cd /var/www/paht_to_app/app/ && Console/cake cron deferred -q