A web-based frontend to WPKG. Based on wpkgExpress by Brian White. WPKG is an automated software deployment, upgrade and removal program for Windows.
Windows Post-Install Wizard
List of packages for WPI
;Download WPI configuration file
;Download WPKG configuration file for WPI
;Profiles of WPKG for WPI
;Hosts of WPKG for WPI
to /path/to/WPI/UserFiles
and press F2
to open the Options Wizard
tab and find groups Execute before
and Execute after
Script or program to execute before installation begins.
and Script or program to execute after installation is complete.
;%ComSpec% /C del /F /Q "%TEMP%\wpkg-wpi.xml"
and Exit
directory structure:The structure of the directory containing WPI
+-- Tools
| +-- Wpkg
| +-- config.xml
| +-- hosts.xml
| +-- profiles.xml
| +-- wpkg.js
+-- UserFiles
+-- config.js
Windows Post-Install Wizard
List of packages for WPI
;Add package WPI
and Forcibly
flags to install the default
package or force the package to execute;Save
button.Windows Post-Install Wizard
List of packages for WPI
button to add a new category;Save
button.cd %TEMP%