A web-based frontend to WPKG


A web-based frontend to WPKG. Based on wpkgExpress by Brian White. WPKG is an automated software deployment, upgrade and removal program for Windows.

View the Project on GitHub anklimsk/wpkg-express-2

Preparing the WPKG-GP Client

Preparing a WPKG-GP Client configuration file

Preparing translation files for WPKG-GP Client

Preparing a WPKG-GP Client

WPKG directory structure:

The structure of the directory WPKG located in the %SOFTWARE_NETLOGON%

  +-- Client
      +-- GP-Client
          |   +-- wpkg-gp-client_v0.9.7.4.exe
          +-- Common
          |   +-- locale
          |   |   +-- ru
          |   |       +-- LC_MESSAGES
          |   |           +-- wpkg-gp-client.mo
          |   +-- wpkg-gp_client.ini
          +-- Config
              +-- 2018.12.05
                  +-- wpkg-gp_client.ini